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It's like that moment right before the big magic reveal. Apple's got us on the edge of our seats, drumming up the hype for their new gadget, the Vision Pro. But unlike the rabbit they pulled out of their hat with the iPhone and iPad, the Vision Pro is more like a rare, expensive, magic wand. We're all wondering, are the wizards of the world going to embrace it, or will they stick to their old, trusty spells?

When Apple first introduced the iPhone and iPad, developers went bananas. They dived in headfirst, creating an avalanche of apps, turning Apple into a tech version of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. But the Apple Watch? Let's just say it's more like the haunted house down the street - even big names like Twitter and Uber have packed up and left.

So, what's the fate of the Vision Pro app store going to be? Is it going to be a hit like the Billboard top 10, or is it going to be a one-hit-wonder like the Apple Watch and TV? The jury is still out, but one thing is certain: the developers aren't going to be sprinting towards it like it's the last slice of pizza.

Despite all of this, Apple's betting big on the Vision Pro. They're already cooking up three types of apps for it: straight-up iPad and iPhone apps, jazzed-up iPad apps, and brand-spanking-new visionOS apps. But, like trying to fit an elephant into a Mini Cooper, developers might find it a bit of a squeeze to make their current apps work on the Vision Pro.

In another corner of Apple's magical kingdom, they're brewing up something that sounds straight out of a sci-fi flick - generative AI. It's like teaching Siri to chat like a seasoned gossipmonger. Instead of just barking out responses, Apple's aiming for Siri to be more like your chatty best friend. But don't expect Apple to go full throttle on this just yet. They're likely to dip their toes in the water rather than diving in headfirst.

Meanwhile, Apple stores are getting a makeover too. They're introducing a new sales method, where you can buy stuff and get it shipped straight to your doorstep. Think of it like your personal Apple shopping butler. This could be a game-changer, especially when it comes to selling the Vision Pro. With its different components, you wouldn't want to leave the store without getting everything you need.

Apple is also set to release their quarterly earnings on August 3, which is like their report card day. It's always a magical mystery tour in the world of tech. Whether Apple's Vision Pro turns out to be a crystal ball or just another magic trick, only time will tell. But one thing's for sure - it's going to be one heck of a show!

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