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Tech titan Apple is now facing a class action lawsuit worth £785 million from app developers in the United Kingdom. The case is rooted in protest fees levied by Apple for uploading applications to the App Store, which has stirred up a whirlwind of controversy.

The Contention Point: Commission Fees

At the heart of the controversy lies the 15-30 percent commission charged by Apple to app developers via the App Store. Critics have argued that Apple is monopolizing this aspect of their business model, disadvantaging the developers who form the backbone of the platform's content. The suit alleges that this commission is excessive, only made possible due to Apple's monopolistic control over the distribution of apps to iPhones and iPads.

Apple's Business and the App Store

Apple's business revenue, including earnings from the App Store, has seen remarkable growth in recent years, now clocking in at around $20 billion per quarter. Despite the surging profits, the commission structure has come under fire.

Apple's Defense and Developer Sentiment

In defense, Apple previously stated that 85% of developers in the App Store don't pay any commission. This model, they argue, aids European developers to access markets and customers across 175 countries worldwide via the App Store. However, the plaintiffs - comprising of 1,566 developers represented by Sean Ennis, a professor at the Center for Competition Policy at the University of East Anglia, and a former economist at the OECD - beg to differ.

The Official Statement

Sean Ennis, in his official statement quoted by Reuters, termed Apple's commission charges as unfair, amounting to abusive pricing. The sentiments echo the broader disquiet in the developer community regarding the App Store's business model.


The class-action lawsuit marks another chapter in the ongoing discourse around tech giants, their power, and how they wield it. As this case progresses, it could have far-reaching implications for Apple, its App Store, and indeed, for the entire app industry. As always, we'll keep you updated with any developments on

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